Saturday, May 18, 2019

volume four - May 2019

Continuing with the format here are 20 songs to enjoy. Definitely a heavy brass theme with lots of soul and funk.


Saturday, April 6, 2019

riff and rant - volume three

This one has been a long time coming, I just never found the time to make it public and update the blog. Never fear though, a new playlist will follow very shortly. Enjoy!

Monday, April 2, 2018

riff and rant - round two

Three months later and here we are with my second installment of 20 songs for your listening pleasure. Enjoy!

Open  In Spotify Here

Sunday, January 21, 2018

riff and rant 2.0 - numero uno

A new year, a new vision for riff and rant. This will be one playlist you can follow that i will update monthly with a new batch of songs. Follow the playlist or the blog and you will continue to get updates. I am going to try and keep it around 20 song.

A nod to the West Wing how they always asked "What's next?" this isnt about who is upcoming but rather what is the next thing to tackle, to enjoy. Pause, slow down and listen and enjoy life and stay warm.

Spotify Link

Playlist Link

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Fathers Day!

So I have been on a sabbatical here, the heat got to me but what better reason to get back into the swing of posting than Father's Day!

In honor of this important day we have my Dad's three top artists which are in no particular order: Bruce Springsteen, Chicago and Yes. He is unabashedly particular about his music, and I was so educated in my youth. As it is, I distinctly remember him driving five of my friends in our Expedition to the Chicago / Doobie Brothers concert in the Woodlands. I also know the exact seat he sat in Burruss Hall for a 3 hour set from The Boss, I think the concert gets longer with each retelling. I am also reminded that there were no breaks or intermissions, which can only be taken as a generational jab that today's music is weak... and he walked uphill both ways in the snow to school. "Yes" can't be left out of the conversation, I still remember the first time listening to Close to the Edge, which is an experience in and of itself. Also of note, those were (according to him) true albums, not a collection of songs- something I am reminded of frequently as well. Jon Anderson can only be described as odd with an un-matched upper register. Last but not least I was educated that Steve Howe basically invented the guitar and is the best guitar player there ever was (seriously though listen to The Clap).

That's the job description though that intermixed with corny jokes and generational jabs, dads must teach, educate and prepare. Much of my love and appreciation for music comes from my parents. Today we celebrate Dads everywhere and all of the lessons they have bestowed, the finer points of youth sports, handling tools, how not to do house improvement projects, how to call professionals and how to do things without Mom knowing. Enjoy the day and the music!

Open Spotify Playlist 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

All Kinds of Emotional

Music is an outpouring of emotion. This week's playlist features three artists that meld the world of folk, bluegrass, and blues. The stories within the songs are enough on their own, but they are partnered with strong melodies that take the experience  beyond the normal reaches. Mesmerizing female vocals that can't help but elevate and soar. The kind of songs you can sink into.

Too often these days emotion is viewed as a sign of weakness. However that is exactly what makes these artists great, they were it all on their sleeve. Its pretty clear in this world when you see people mailing it in whether its at school, or places of work and especially in music.

So turn it up, listen well. Don't mail it in, be all kinds of emotional.

Open Playlist in Spotify

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! In honor of Mother's Day this week's playlist is my Mom's favorite artists featuring Elton John, Billy Joel and the Beatles. To all of the mothers out there, I am not sure there are enough words to describe all of the millions of little things that mothers take care of that go unnoticed and underappreciated until we have to take care of them ourselves. One day could never do it justice.

Enjoy the playlist, have a great week and appreciate all of the moms in your life.

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