Sunday, February 12, 2017

Rockin' Blues

This week features three artists all incorporating and featuring blues elements. The music has transformed from its origins in soul-searching melodies delving deep to express frustration and anger into a modern genre that embodies elements of folk, rock and heavy guitar. Added bonus for the incorporation of harmonica.

I find myself constantly head bobbing through this music and you can certainly hear the tone of blues greats from the 60s and 70s shining through. I also find the music makes you hungry, not in the figurative sense. More in the literal sense of big ole plate of barbecue. Its messy, its saucy and full of flavor. Tender and bold all in the same wave. The blues goes hand in hand with barbecue, they are pretty much married or at least in a "serious" relationship by my account. Regardless of their relationship status the similarities are uncanny. It's remarkable how so many times we associate specific smells, tastes and sounds together.

Now that you are salivating, you're welcome. So go get you nice heaping plate of barbecue and crank up the tunes. Don't forget the napkins.


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