Sunday, March 5, 2017

not that kind of JAZZ

I feel like jazz in general has gotten a bad wrap in that for most in conjures one of two images. One being smooth jazz also known as elevator jazz and the other being experimental acid jazz where melody is considered a foreign concept.

The reality is that many of the hip hop, R&B and pop songs of today have strong jazz elements and I think you can hear that from these vocalists and their music selection. By no means is this your workout mix, I mean unless you really enjoy some sort of really slow asynchronous workout. I am imagining Elaine from Seinfeld dancing with weights in slow motion. Lets put that aside though.

Less is more in most cases with very talented instrumentation and careful song writing.
This music has heart, soul and creative melodies that you don't find in mainstream music. This music is a great smoky wood burning fire for the soul. Jump in explore, mellow, slow down and enjoy. Succumb to the head bob and sway and lose yourself for a little while.

Spotify Playlist (Opens Spotify)

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