Sunday, June 18, 2017

Happy Fathers Day!

So I have been on a sabbatical here, the heat got to me but what better reason to get back into the swing of posting than Father's Day!

In honor of this important day we have my Dad's three top artists which are in no particular order: Bruce Springsteen, Chicago and Yes. He is unabashedly particular about his music, and I was so educated in my youth. As it is, I distinctly remember him driving five of my friends in our Expedition to the Chicago / Doobie Brothers concert in the Woodlands. I also know the exact seat he sat in Burruss Hall for a 3 hour set from The Boss, I think the concert gets longer with each retelling. I am also reminded that there were no breaks or intermissions, which can only be taken as a generational jab that today's music is weak... and he walked uphill both ways in the snow to school. "Yes" can't be left out of the conversation, I still remember the first time listening to Close to the Edge, which is an experience in and of itself. Also of note, those were (according to him) true albums, not a collection of songs- something I am reminded of frequently as well. Jon Anderson can only be described as odd with an un-matched upper register. Last but not least I was educated that Steve Howe basically invented the guitar and is the best guitar player there ever was (seriously though listen to The Clap).

That's the job description though that intermixed with corny jokes and generational jabs, dads must teach, educate and prepare. Much of my love and appreciation for music comes from my parents. Today we celebrate Dads everywhere and all of the lessons they have bestowed, the finer points of youth sports, handling tools, how not to do house improvement projects, how to call professionals and how to do things without Mom knowing. Enjoy the day and the music!

Open Spotify Playlist 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

All Kinds of Emotional

Music is an outpouring of emotion. This week's playlist features three artists that meld the world of folk, bluegrass, and blues. The stories within the songs are enough on their own, but they are partnered with strong melodies that take the experience  beyond the normal reaches. Mesmerizing female vocals that can't help but elevate and soar. The kind of songs you can sink into.

Too often these days emotion is viewed as a sign of weakness. However that is exactly what makes these artists great, they were it all on their sleeve. Its pretty clear in this world when you see people mailing it in whether its at school, or places of work and especially in music.

So turn it up, listen well. Don't mail it in, be all kinds of emotional.

Open Playlist in Spotify

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! In honor of Mother's Day this week's playlist is my Mom's favorite artists featuring Elton John, Billy Joel and the Beatles. To all of the mothers out there, I am not sure there are enough words to describe all of the millions of little things that mothers take care of that go unnoticed and underappreciated until we have to take care of them ourselves. One day could never do it justice.

Enjoy the playlist, have a great week and appreciate all of the moms in your life.

Open Spotify Link

Sunday, May 7, 2017

long day, done

Everybody has them, and they are usually difficult to predict. This week's playlist makes me feel the exasperation of a long day, the slow burn that drains the life from you. Those days where nothing seems to go your way and inevitably you hit every red light, you spill your coffee on your shirt, you somehow forgot how to successfully put food in your mouth without getting it everywhere. It can feel hopeless. For me though music has always been an escape and a release for when the day seems to have got the better of you.

Its really the story of how blues was created; raw emotional outpouring accompanied with great riffs at the end of a great many long days. Enjoy this week's playlist featuring Little Hurricane, Patrick Sweany and Welshly Arms.

Listen well.

Open Spotify Playlist

Monday, May 1, 2017

Groove It

A little late this week, but better late than never. This week's playlist is all about the Groove. Not how to find it, or lose it or how to get it back, but simply to enjoy it. This week features Sister Sparrow and The Dirty Birds, The Revivalists and JJ Grey & Mofro.

Despite the atypical band names the music has a great big band full sound with an awesome feel and propensity towards extended cuts. Enjoy the music and feel the groove.

Have a great week and listen well.

Open Spotify Playlist

Sunday, April 23, 2017

spring showers

This week seems appropriate for a rainy day playlist of sorts. However you won't find dreary Irish wakes on the playlist. When it rains I want music I can dive into, it requires depth and soul. Music that can be enjoyed, not just listened to. This week features Big Little Lions, Cereus Bright and Miner.

Rain nourishes the ground as I hope this playlist does the same. Spring is about new beginnings, new starts and awakening. Enjoy the rain, relax for a bit, have a cup of coffee and start something new. Create a new beginning, try something different.

Enjoy your week and stay dry. Listen well.

Open Spotify Playlist

Sunday, April 16, 2017

risen, indeed

Today is a celebration, a victory, it so happens to be the most important victory in the history of earth. Love defeated death. Love wins. So put down your defenses, your weapons, your stereotypes, your preconceptions, your arguments, your quibbles and lay it at the feet of your good, good Father. Celebrate His gift to you.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" - John 3:16

Rest in those words and celebrate. Live well.

Open Spotify Playlist

Sunday, April 9, 2017

rock and roll

Another week, another playlist. This week we feature Wild Feathers, Houndmouth and Wilderado. I think throughout the playlist you can hear somewhat of a southern rock feel, hard to avoid with major keys and harmonized vocals. However as you see these bands have more depth and variety then at first glance. The unique sounds of these bands make them a great listen.

The other great thing is that I classify this as great mowing music. Its spring, flowers are blooming, its not unbearably hot and there is work to do as we emerge from hibernation. Get out your to do list, pop on the playlist and get after it.

Have a great week.

Open Spotify Playlist

Sunday, April 2, 2017

retro soul

This week's playlist is a veritable time machine. Leon Bridges, Nick Waterhouse and JD McPherson are all unique in their own way but I think also share the same retro feel. These artists exhibit the sound and feeling of soul music from the 50's and 60's. Each one, that is if you weren't looking, could easily slip between Otis Redding and Sam Cooke. I am not by any means comparing them to those greats. They have however recreated the sound with a distinctly modern take.

There are a lot of things that shouldn't come back like 80's fashion statements or maybe jorts. It seems however that somehow things have a tendency to come back around. I enjoy the take back to another time and think these songs are great!

Have a great week and listen well.

Open Playlist in Spotify

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Feelin' Good

I am not sure there is anyone who could honestly say "I feel too good". Music has the magical ability of evoking emotions and this week is all about feeling good. A halo of sunshine poking through the clouds, your children smiling back at you, the aroma of fresh brewed coffee in the morning, staying up laughing with old friends, making new friends, singing and smiling.

For most of these songs I find it irresistible to tap my toes, bobbing my head along with the beat while an inexplicable smile emerges. True joy only comes from above and to rely on anything else is foolish. These songs, however, can be a secret weapon to melt away for just a little while or help pass the day along.

Sit back, relax, slow down and enjoy your day. Listen well!

Open Spotify Playlist

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Alt Country

This week's post delves into a genre I tend to avoid. I think most of it has to do with my upbringing and music I was around growing up. Country was never played so I therefore had no appreciation. I since have developed a fondness and taste for bluegrass and the crossover into folk and country. This week we hone in on some groups that have a unique sound but bring something that is distinctly not mainstream country music.

There is a lot of of bluegrass and folk storytelling through some of the music that resonates with me. In addition they evoke that traditional country twang from time to time. There will be no mention of achy breaky hearts or badonkadonks, so for that, you need to look elsewhere.

There are still cowboy hats and plenty of country to go around, even if some might consider it alternative.

Open Spotify Playlist

Sunday, March 12, 2017

you might be a hipster if...

this week we feature a few lesser known bands that could be described as hipster rock. So to aid in the overall process of self-realization I offer the following gross stereotypes:

You might be a hipster if....

Al Borland is your top design inspiration

Your closet looks a lot like a Scottish castle garage sale

you roll up the bottom of your jeans for no other reason than to show off your boots

you pay a premium for boots that are pre-worn in.

you believe the more obscure something is, the better it actually is.

most of your social conversations begin with "I'll bet you've never heard of...."

you've been contemplating purchasing beard wax but just can't pull the trigger

you wear glasses that have no vision correction

protesting is your primary hobby

your house decor can only be described as mid century modern

you live life like you are constantly in a Gap commercial

your dream job would be the guy creating the music playlists for Starbucks

that's enough for now, so long and goodnight. Enjoy the music.

Open Spotify - Playlist

Sunday, March 5, 2017

not that kind of JAZZ

I feel like jazz in general has gotten a bad wrap in that for most in conjures one of two images. One being smooth jazz also known as elevator jazz and the other being experimental acid jazz where melody is considered a foreign concept.

The reality is that many of the hip hop, R&B and pop songs of today have strong jazz elements and I think you can hear that from these vocalists and their music selection. By no means is this your workout mix, I mean unless you really enjoy some sort of really slow asynchronous workout. I am imagining Elaine from Seinfeld dancing with weights in slow motion. Lets put that aside though.

Less is more in most cases with very talented instrumentation and careful song writing.
This music has heart, soul and creative melodies that you don't find in mainstream music. This music is a great smoky wood burning fire for the soul. Jump in explore, mellow, slow down and enjoy. Succumb to the head bob and sway and lose yourself for a little while.

Spotify Playlist (Opens Spotify)

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Dynamic Duos

Peanut butter & Jelly, Batman and Robin and cookies and milk. Our culture loves to put things together and is enamored by the juxtaposition of flavors, sounds, colors. From pre-school age we are taught about what colors go together and which do not. (Side note, contrary to popular belief orange and maroon definitively go together).

This week the playlist focuses on dynamic duo music groups. All three are lead by male, female duos showcasing three distinct sounds that are all their own. Song to song the sounds range between soul, blue, folk, pop and rock. There is something in there for everyone.

Making music with someone is an intimate experience in sharing and mixing ideas to create the experience for the audience. Collaboration and cooperation are the keys to success here. I think that's something we could all use a little more of. Have a great week and enjoy the music and help yourself to peanut butter and jelly sandwich for old time's sake.

Spotify Link to Playlist

Sunday, February 19, 2017

songwritin' : an expeditionary tale

This week's playlist takes on a more melancholy expression of the weariness of a long week. The feeling and exasperation that drives us all to our wit's end. The three gentlemen this week take those feelings and turn them into songs built from experience and poor judgement. Their songs feel as if the emotion is poured out with the viscosity of molasses. Slow and thick but an explosion of flavor and emotion burst forth from the lyrics. They share dynamic and unique voices that rip through and quiet any crowd.

The uniting sound of the songwriter brings forth a visualization of the back roads of America passing through a passenger side window. As we watch the world around pass by all too quickly, take a moment to relax and in the words of Ferris Bueller "life moves pretty fast. if you don't slow down and look around, you might miss it?" as referenced in Nature Cat, a highly underrated cartoon on PBS. The episode we watched the other day referenced that quote. You will have to find the episode but take a moment and learn a life lesson from Hal the affable dumb dog in said cartoon and you may not understand how you got where you are but so what, take advantage of where you are and make the most of it.

Spotify Play List Link


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Rockin' Blues

This week features three artists all incorporating and featuring blues elements. The music has transformed from its origins in soul-searching melodies delving deep to express frustration and anger into a modern genre that embodies elements of folk, rock and heavy guitar. Added bonus for the incorporation of harmonica.

I find myself constantly head bobbing through this music and you can certainly hear the tone of blues greats from the 60s and 70s shining through. I also find the music makes you hungry, not in the figurative sense. More in the literal sense of big ole plate of barbecue. Its messy, its saucy and full of flavor. Tender and bold all in the same wave. The blues goes hand in hand with barbecue, they are pretty much married or at least in a "serious" relationship by my account. Regardless of their relationship status the similarities are uncanny. It's remarkable how so many times we associate specific smells, tastes and sounds together.

Now that you are salivating, you're welcome. So go get you nice heaping plate of barbecue and crank up the tunes. Don't forget the napkins.


Sunday, February 5, 2017

the big game halftime: a chronology

In honor of a certain specific game that is played of importance today, I decided to perform an inventory and chronology of halftime performance. I wanted to highlight the progression or regression as some may view of it, of how popular music and culture has evolved and driven one of the highest watched events of the year.

There are many performances to forget and clearly looking back some of these were atleast 30th or worse on people they tried before settling on those that performed. Well at least i hope so, but i discovered many other fantastic musicians that played the halftime that i was completely unaware of. My favorite surprises include some from the 70s like Doc Severinson, Ella Fitzgerald, Woody Herman, and Andy Williams. So below is a listing of my favorites from throughout the years, Here's to hoping a brighter future for halftime performances or may I be pleasantly surprised by future performances.  For whatever reason I cannot find any record of a performance from 2004, weird.

Top 10 in chronological order

1970: Doc Severinson (i think we all need more Doc in our lives)
1972: Ella Fitzgerald (a tribute to Louis Armstrong)
1993: Michael Jackson (the multiple michael jackson intro thing earns bonus points plus the hair on the guitar player how did we let things like that happen)
1995: Patti Labelle, Teddy Pendergrass, Tony Bennett, Arturo Sandoval (serious bonus points for Indiana Jones theme, sensory overload but a great group of talent here)
1997: Blues Brothers, James Brown, ZZ Top
2002: U2
2005: Paul McCartney (live and let die, also is deserved in list of top movie themes)
2006: Rolling Stones
2009: Bruce Springsteen
2014: Bruno Mars / Red Hot Chili Peppers

Honorable Mention
1973: Woody Herman & Andy Williams (of a different era, but classic none the less)
1988: Chubby Checker (that's a lot of pianos, seriously the brainstorming meeting wouldve been killer)
1994: Clint Black, Tanya Tucker, Travis Tritt and the Judds (purely for my wife, shes in my house)
1996: Diana Ross
1999: Gloria Estefan, Stevie Wonder and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy (its Stevie Wonder and E.T.!)
2007: Prince
2008: Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers
2011: Black Eyed Peas, Usher, Slash
2014: The Who
2016: Coldplay, Beyonce, Bruno Mars, Mark Ronson

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Not Your Momma's Bluegrass

Bluegrass immediately invokes the stereotypical image of a four piece string band playing in a barn and possibly involving someone playing a jug. Modern bluegrass has taken on a very modern vibe widely adopted by the hipster crowds in large cities. It is still widely popular across the south, where the banjo and mandolin live strong.

My love for the genre stemmed from groups such as New Riders of the Purple Sage, Nickel Creek, and String Cheese Incident. The three artists featured this week though have many elements in common with those groups but with a modern sound. Despite the creative names for these bands the songs still maintain the lyrical melodies and sound of traditional bluegrass, while these groups have adapted a modern sound. You can still find the boom-chuck if you listen close enough, but plenty of Blues riffs as well. The voicing from the string instruments still evoke this natural sound that is hard to find these days. They may not be playing in barns but many purists still play from a single microphone and truly concentrate on blending intricate vocal harmonies and counter melodies. Soul-piercing vocals run rampant through these artists with strong lyrics and songwriting. Shuffle up and deal and enjoy this week's installment. Stay sane out there.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Feel It Down Deep In Your Soul

I wavered a bit with this week, but sometimes what feels right isn't what you are wanting to do. These bands all share some common elements, but most of what came to my mind was soul. Not James Brown soul but the soul that comes from music that you can feel; music that comes from deep within. These bands all exhibit some twang country and bluegrass elements, but also have funky and soul elements as well. The kind of soul that invokes the stink face. You know the face, where it could be a stinky fart, or bad cheese or the riff/beat that is so nasty that a normal facial expression simply won't work. 

Besides that, this music has a genuine upbeat and feel good vibe to it. It's hard to imagine yelling or anger accompanying this. So crank it up and listen to it loud. Have a great week.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

So You Think You're Americana

This week delve into a Venn diagram of sorts.  Americana if you didn't know is a recently minted genre of music that lies at the intersection of folk, country, rock and blues. The artists and songs that fall into this genre still epitomize the storytelling of folk music but add funk and soul elements. The result is a raw, high energy sound on one end of the spectrum as well as tender, intimate acoustic performances. In all three artists you find strong powerful vocals that are accompanied by funky riffs and tight percussion sounds. I first explored this genre from a high school favorite group Medeski, Martin and Wood which were often described as a Jazz Funk Trio. Chris Wood the bass player started playing with his brother after the group disbanded, but still retaining amazing bass riffs created a unique sound and he truly is one of my favorite bassists to watch and listen to. Thanks for listening. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Wood Brothers - iTunes

Jamestown Revival - iTunes

Parker Millsap - iTunes


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Music to Warm Your Soul and Tap your Toe

So each week i will throw out music that i am currently digging into, they may been themed they be unrelated and random but hopefully you will enjoy checking them out. So on a snowy winter day here is some music to warm you up and get the toe tapping.

This week i am featuring three bands that I am going to see here in Knoxville over the next few months. One courtesy of my wonderful wife's anniversary present, the other two are groups that I have grown to love over the past year. All three feature rock and blues elements but all feature a large band inclusive of horns. Any time an artist is incorporating the use of strings or horns (non-synth) its a move in a good direction in my book. So listen and enjoy and maybe i will see you at the concert.